
How to measure your work on social media

How to measure your work on social media
By: Administration


Can you measure the success of your work? As a business owner can you evaluate your social media specialist? There are so many of the social media specialists who don't know how to measure their work.
On that base, they lose two things. First, they don't know where they stand, when they need to improve and if what they do have good results or not. Second, they lose their clients because they don't know how to display their work with results so the client has one solution only which is canceling the contract and searching for another social media specialist who gives a full detailed report at the end of every month.

Let's take it step by step! As a business owner, you should know on which base you measure your work and what are the indicators for every level. Basically, you need to categorize every level in your work, set headlines for the main things you want to achieve in every level, set the time "from and to" to measure your success rate and don't make your goal only gaining a point. Write down your goals to make an accurate analysis that helps you improve your work and to reach better rates.

As we said, every level has specific indicators or what we call Key Performance Indicators "KPIs" that tell you if you are on your track or not, so let's start with the indicators of every level:
1. The level of spreading: you have to count your fans and your reach rates by using the following:

• Followers.
• Fans.
• Subscribers.
• The number of mentions.
• Reach.
• Inbound links.
2. The level of interaction: you search how to interact with people and deliver the message and objects of your project. You can measure this by:
• Share.
• Retweets.
• Mention friends.
• Comments.
• Replies.
• Likes.
• Reviews and Rating.
• Page views.
• Unique visitors.
• Traffic from the social network.
• Time spent on the site.
• Response time.
3. The level of influencing: you can measure the effect of your project on people's everyday lives. How their situations and actions have changed because of the activities that you offer through your social media network which affect the people and makes them more than fans for your service or products. You can measure this by:
• The share of conversation Vs. competitors.
• Net promoter.
• Satisfaction.
• Sentiment positive, neutral or negative.
• A number of brand evangelists, people who asked others to try your product or service known as "loyal customers".
4. The level of ROI: here you measure your return on investment through online and digital marketing:
• Conversions (email subscriptions, downloads, install widget or tool, etc).
• Sales revenue.
• Registered users.
• Issued resolved and resolution rate.
• A number of leads.
• The cost of lead.
• Lead conversion rate.
• The cost of sale.
• Revenue (per follower, lead, and customer).
• Lifetime value of customers.
• Support cost (per customer in social channels).
• The share of repeat customers (from social media Vs. other channels).
• The transaction values per customer.
• Net profit.
5. As a marketing executive: when you measure your work, you have to evaluate your work and your team's as well. Your manager is interested to know your team's production rate during work time on daily, weekly or monthly base. So you can always improve yourself, reach the higher rates and satisfy your manager. This can be measured by:
• Facebook updates.
• Tweets.
• Blog posts.
• E-books.
• Presentations.
• Videos.
• Forum posts.
• Social media staff payroll.
• Social media monitoring tools budget.
• Social media development costs.

These five levels will help you measuring your work and essentially improving your social media strategy. Moreover, they will help you give the client numbers to check the results.
Try to attach a summary of analyzing your competitors to compare between their work and yours.
Here are some websites to read more about the "Social Media KPIs":

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