
Why does your website extremely important to your business

Why does your website extremely important to your business
By: Administration

The way your business needs a website is similar to the way your body needs protein.

Imagine that you are eating all food types that you find in your way and you don't eat food that contains protein. You don't approach any food that contains protein like meat, chicken, fish and not even vegetables for the vegetarians' sake :D

What will happen to your body? actually, you will survive and do just fine but not for too long. Your body needs protein as long as you are alive and as time goes on, lack of protein will affect certain functions in your body.

This is the same when we talk about the website. A website is one of the basics of any business. In fact, there is a huge similarity between website and protein as we mentioned above.

Here are more illustrative points:

1. Now, there are 42 million Egyptians using the internet, about 90% of them are using Google to search for their needs. You can imagine how many customers you lose every day.

2. The website helps people know all the information about your company, what you do, the size of your dealings, your current customers' feedbacks.

3. When someone is searching for you and find that your company doesn't have a website, it gives an impression of having a small business and as a result a feeling that your company isn't trustworthy.

4. Now, the concept of e-commerce is viral on the internet and many people are using it and e-commerce becomes a part of their lifestyle culture. So, to increase your profits you have to have a website to show your products and services in an attractive way.

5. Showing up among the non-stop competition in the industry to make profits.

6. Saving a secure way to communicate with your customers via official business mail and this makes your business more secure so that no one would use your name and sell.

7. You can reach your customers, easily and quickly, and not have to pass by, contact or talk to them. They are just following your business and your website will tell them all the new updates within seconds.

8. Upgrading your business by following up your customers' feedbacks to improve your services more professionally.

This is a small part of the advantages of having a website. If you want to learn more about this subject, launch a website for your business, you can communicate with the team of INTCore.


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