
Increase your sales with E-COMMERCE!

Increase your sales with E-COMMERCE!
By: Merna Mekhail


As consumers, we always think of the hassle of going somewhere to buy something, don’t we?! Nowadays, E-commerce sales has reached $2.3 trillion! Can you actually believe the number and how the online shopping market is growing rapidly! Not only does this number of sales has been achieved, but also 40% of internet users shop online, and annual e-commerce sales increase by about 23%! Even if you would think that people might not buy online, 81% of people search for a product online before taking the decision of buying it.

4 main types of e-commerce platforms…

  1. Business-to-business (B2B), it comes from its name, where businesses showcase their products and allow shopping of another businesses through that e-commerce platform.

  2. Business-to-consumer (B2C), it’s a platform built by business to showcase their products/services and allow their final consumers to shop through it.

  3. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C), in this case it’s a little bit different; because here a business or a third part build the e-commerce platform allowing consumers to showcase their products for other consumers who might want to buy it, allowing the selling/buying process through the platform.

  4. Consumer-to-business (C2B), where consumers make their products or services widely available to companies or business that would need them. It’s a reverse kind of e-commerce than what’s known, but a great business when market research is done right!

How to increase your sales by building an e-commerce platform...

As we’ve mentioned earlier, almost every type of business needs to increase their sales, and that’s easily done by building an e-commerce platform. Whether we’re talking about an e-commerce mobile app or a website. This platform can be used is so many ways… For example, you can use it to showcase your products and the services you provide, that would definitely broaden your customer base, as you can see when a client needs to use a specific service or buy a specific product they most probably search for it on the internet first; that’s why you should be the first to pop up with your platform!

Not only do you use an e-commerce platform to showcase, but also to allow your clients and potential clients to do their buying/selling transactions throughout the platform, as we’ve mentioned before, people nowadays prefer to do their buying/selling transactions online, so you should be the business that allows them to do so!

To sum up...

Providing your customers with what they need, help broaden your business and increase your sales. Think of it as if you’re a customer looking for a specific thing that you need to buy, then you open up your browser, search for it, and then you find a platform that would sell it to you right where you are! Can you see how helpful would that be ?! That’s why we always recommend entrepreneurs to build up their e-commerce platforms.

If you already have an e-commerce platform, you have to work on making it grow, so you can always see the effectiveness of your work reflected on your sales.

Don’t forget to check the rest of our blog, and wait for next week’s article!

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